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Lyudao Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Failure and success of the establishment

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-01-16
  • View count:2653

     After the office was completed, administrative personnel, who were responsible for official affairs and supply at Taitung Prison, moved for three times before entering Green Island because of the bad weather, the strong wave, and the tiding. After the completion of most buildings, the rest construction materials were used for building warden's dormitory and the storage (with broad corridors so that the three-wheeled cart may park inside the storage in case of the rain), the pigpen at the mountain behind the prison (feed pigs with the wild taros grown in the mountain for improving employees' welfare like what the army did), and water tower (as raining, the small waterfall in the mountain behind the prison led water to the water tower). Tubes were arranged to the water tower for cleaning the pigpen or providing people with drinking water.
     During the establishing period, Warden Zhang Jian-jin led workers, employees, and criminals to work together and contribute to the project. He lived and ate at Nanliao Police Station, riding his bike to supervise the project at the site everyday. He participated in the work in person. He remembered each time when he rode to the Earth God Temple near Chongliao Village, he felt like being pushed from the behind and rode easily as if the holy power was helping him (actually it was the wind blowing aside the mountain). Therefore, he presented a wooden inscribed board (Fude God) to the temple for blessing the safety of the site and all related personnel.

     When the gate of the prison was initially completed, Mr. Wei Gang, Accountant of Department of Justice, and Mr. Zhu Shi-lie, Director General of Prison Bureau, came for an inspection visit. Mr. Zhu said, "The door should be stronger." He instructed that doors of contemporary dormitories should be surrounded by iron frames. Besides, all employees in the prison (including employees in human affairs section, accounting section, and statistic section) wore the same uniform looking like the uniform of the police. It looked as if the police forces were sufficient. The second warden Mr. Tu Qi-huan inherited the same system. In addition, the warden dormitory located at Taitung was turned into "Taiwan Green Island Taitung Office" responsible for the supply of the prison and serving as the temporary residence for employees when they left Green Island for Taiwan.

     After the completion of the prison, the adoption business was begun. When vicious criminals were removed from all prisons in Taiwan to here, they were transported to the square outside the administrative office by the three-wheeled cart. Employees and guarding policemen stood around the cart, threatened these arrogant criminals with the superiority police force, and told them to obey the regulations of the prison and not to cause trouble anymore. When Penghu Prison sent its vicious criminals called the 18 Arhats, it was said that military police was sent to help with the guarding before they were prepared to get out of the dormitory gate. The warden of Penghu Prison, Mr. Hu Ji-lei, transported these criminals in person. It was the proof that these criminals were really trouble makers at that time.

     In the initial period of adopting criminals, all employees practiced anti-riot rehearsal every night after criminals returned to their dormitories. The purpose was to threaten criminals effectively. When criminals came here, they were isolated firstly. After being observed for a period of time, they were distributed to public dormitories in order and designated to work in various plants. Regulation violators were sent to the isolation dormitory for enhancing isolation management. After the completion of the prison, it was not easy to maintain these buildings and the environment. Because the wind breeze in Green Island was strong and salty, the iron windows and railings turned rusty easily (there was no stainless steel at that time). It was hard for plants to survive. For beautifying the environment, employees grew green grass at the windless gutters and the mountain gap. Then the grown grass was removed to each skylight in the prison. The floors were polished by the grinding machine for the beautification and usefulness.

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