- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2023-12-12
- View count:2869
- The Lyudao Prison affiliates to the Ministry of Justice; the Prison's organization includes: one warden that manages all businesses in the Prison; one secretary assisting warden to perform tasks, review documents and contact all units in the prison; units in the next lower tier include the Classification Section, Teaching Section, Operation Section, Health Section, General Service Office, Personnel Office, Accounting Office, Statistic Operation Office and Civil Service Ethics Office that handle the respective works separately.
- There are the Classification, Teaching, Operation and Health Instruction Commissions built in the organization.
- The planned staff members are 76 persons, now is 72 members available. 35% of our staff members are local residents. Over half of Section's chiefs have associated the Prison Administration Commission; as for the Punishment Study Commission and Parole Review Commission, the investigating chiefs and administrators are from Taiwan mainland.
- Since Nov. 2000, certain alternative military service attendees have been assigned to the Lyudao Prison; so far there are 15 attendees working here.