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Lyudao Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Productive Works Available to Customers

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-06-21
  • View count:2122

Since the Lyudao Prison located in an off-shore island, in order to incubate prisoners' skills to make a living and reform their thought to the light side, the Lyudao Prison thus will order the prisoners to attend operation program after the respective crediting process to each prisoner is complete.
1. The operation items made in Lyudao Prison include:
    (1)Art kind: sand paint, quartz sand paint.
    (2)Laundry kind: dry laundry, wet laundry
    (3)Bonito processing

2. The excellent conditions for Lyudao Prison's operations are:
    (1)Art kind: hire professionals to instruct students, the works are excellent.
    (2)Laundry kind: provide sufficient equipment and excellent skills.
    (3)Bonito processing: Traditional techniques at affordable price

3. Hotline: Operation Section: 089-672097, No.192, Zhongliao Village , Lyudao Township , Taitung County .

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